Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hello blogger Family! 

I know it's been ages since I've written on the blog and I need to definitely catch up! 

Our family has really grown and are still growing as we speak! Let's play catch! 

We now have two handsome, crazy and loving boys Baby Fili and Baby Ofa in our lives. Baby Fili is 2 and will be 3 years old March 8th. 

Baby Fili loves books and loves to learn. He a little rough some days but what boy isn't? lol. He loves being a big brother...well some days!;) He loves Cars, Little Einsteins and is getting into different movies so his personality is just everywhere but he's one hilarious kid! He amazes us everyday with everything he does. We enjoy everything about him. He's definitely growing way fast for us! 

Baby Ofa will be the big ONE February 19th! He's our chunky boy that loves to eat just about everything! He's our sour patch and sensitive guy. He's so loving one minute and then he'll get all crazy on you the next minute. If you make fun of him crying he has the saddest face and cry it'll make you cry too (or that just might be for mom! Hahahaha!). He loves to dance to Bruno Mars 24k Magic and just about anything that sounds good. He's very quick with his hands and when he's crawling. He gets into just about everything he's not suppose to be in of course. He has taken a couple of steps here and there but he's not fully walking yet just standing or walking along things he can hold on to. 

As for Fili & I! You guys wanted to know what's up with us right?! Lol. We just made our 5 year wedding anniversary on January 13th. We are doing just fine! Marriage has been nothing but amazing! Yes, everyone has their ups and downs with marriage and we work through them of course. We've been best friends for 10 years now and we've grown so much throughout everything we've been through so marriage is extremely fun for us! We are enjoying parenthood with our two boys! Fili has not only been an amazing husband and friend but an amazing father as well! When we were dating he always amazed me with how he was with his nieces and nephew and now that we have our own kids I fall deeper in love with him everyday! He loves his son's so much and he's always making sure we're all okay before taking care of himself. I've been truly blessed to have him! 

A couple months  ago we found out we were expecting again! Yes, we are super excited! We were going to my appointments as usual for the past 18 weeks with our amazing midwife. Every appointment has be great and we get to listen to baby's heartbeat. Our very first ultrasound for this pregnancy was last week and we were finding out the gender. For weeks Fili and I always talked about what we hoped the gender would be and how we couldn't wait to find out. As I laid down on the hospital bed in the ultrasound room the nurse was talking to us telling us the normal information on what she needed to do before figuring out the gender for us. She was doing what she needed to do for about 5-10 minutes maybe and then said, "aaaalright! So here we go!" She faced the screen to us so we could see and said it so calm and fast, "Here is baby 1 right here. And here is baby 2." My heart dropped!was looking straight at the screen when she said that and was so quiet! Fili responded to the nurse and said "Did you just say there's TWO babies?!" I freaked out and starting crying because I couldn't believe it! I said yo the nurse, "are you serious right now?! There's TWO babies in there forreals?!" The nurse asked us if we had any idea before this ultrasound and we told her no! We then found out the the twins are BOYS and they'll be fraternal twins! We were hoping at least one of the twins were a girl but either way we are so excited!! We cannot wait for these two to arrive! Things are going to be a lot crazier and challenging at times for us but we're excited for the adventure! I'm mostly excited for Baby Fili and Baby Ofa because they'll have two more brothers to hang out with!  We are due in June:) We'll soon be a family of 6! this is the latest updates on the Vakapuna's! ;) I'm going to try my best to keep up with blogging especially now that we have kids and now that we have twins coming. 


Thursday, August 14, 2014

...Our Blessing...

So from my last post you all know we were expecting our baby boy!!! :)

Introducing... Baby Fili Ikunahetau Vakapuna III.
Baby was named after my Father in law Fili Senior and Fili Jr. (My Husband)


 Our baby is now 5months and It's been the greatest 5 months! :) He really has changed our lives and we love him so much! It's so crazy how time flies with kids! At times he does challenge us but we've learned to be very patient. He has taught us so much and keep us on our toes! His smile really brightens up our day with his dimples and chunky cheeks! ahhh...we are just so in love with him!!
Baby loves to eat Bananas (Gerber baby food)
he loves rolling from tummy to his back
loves making noise/talking
loves his bouncer
loves all his cousins, aunties, uncles and grandparents! :)
We are looking forward to our journey with this little man! So, there you have it ya'll! The Vakapuna's are doing mighty fine! hehe! :)
Until next time..Xoxo

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Coming Soon...

OMG!!! It's been waaaaaaay too long for me with blogging and I feel horrible!!!
Well, as many of you know we are expecting our baby boy next month (Due date: March 19) and we are so excited! We've come a very long way after a rough miscarriage we had last year and so we're really grateful to be have a blessing on the way!

We are 34 weeks and a day today and time is really going fast for us to meet baby boy! We have decided to name baby after Fili and his dad who has passed away. He will be named... Fili Ikunahetau Vakapuna the 3rd! ;) Fili wasn't a big fan of naming him after himself but I didn't want it any other way and it was the right thing to do because NOONE in his family had the name besides him! So, he's going to be baby fili! :)

This pregnancy has been amazing for me and fili! I did have morning sickness up to 12 weeks and then after my 12th week I was in heaven and done with it all! I started to get a appetite and eat what I or should I say what baby wanted to eat. My worse craving and at times I still crave it was Mcdonald's cookies and they HAD TO BE FRESH or I wouldn't eat it. I would crave them around midnight so poor Fili had to go to Mcdonald's and get me them! hehe! :) Fili's been such a blessing and just everything for me and especially for baby! He's taken such great care of me throughout this pregnancy and I've been totally spoiled rotten! Mood swings? I don't think I've too bad but Fili might think otherwise! haha! Oh well.... I had a really bad craving for snickers too! OMG! It was so bad I had to stop eating them because I couldn't breath after eating them! hahaha! It was bad so I haven't eaten a snickers since!

I got a couple trips to Hawaii this pregnancy! Fili and I went to Honolulu for new years and then Fili stayed to work for a month while I came back since work here in Utah was slow. It was thee hardest thing leaving him there and traveling back on my own ( which I will NEVER do again all by myself!). I also went back last week to bring him home which wasn't too bad! So, I got a last trip in to Hawaii and back which was great for us because fili's mom and brother flew in for the weekend and we ended off his stay in Hawaii well! We went to the north shore and I absolutely loved it because I've never been to that side before and I was born and raised in Hawaii! Terrible! But it was a very good trip! I loved every moment.

As you can tell...there really isn't much to update about beside us meeting our sweet baby boy soon! We have about 6 weeks to go but we're pushing to get baby boy here on the 13 of March because 13 is our lucky number and everything about Fili and I happened on a 13th so it's what we want to try to do for out first born! ;) Corny but that's just us! :)

I will try to keep my blog updated especially when baby arrives!
Until next time....

Monday, August 5, 2013

Vakapuna Update!

Hello Bloggers!!!

Came on my blog today and was a little embarrassed because I've been really slacking. All bad!!! :(
So I thought maybe I should blog a little bit about how we are doing!! :)

So, I'm still working for United Airlines! After a year and half I'm finally working from home and loving it!!! United is just TOO GOOD to me! I'm really hoping for part time soon! That'll make my life much better! :) Hahaha...

 I love United. Fili and I have taken a couple trips! Last year we went to Hawaii for my birthday and "just to getaway"!;) It was perfect! The flights were all open (surprising...I know!) there and back! We had the opportunity to stay with my grandparents! My grandpa loves when his grandkids come to town and insist on us to stay with him because he and my grandma love the company!! Hawaii was just great for us! I got to show Fili where my family and I lived and grew up, where everyone that he's met in my family lives and just everything. Basically, where my life started for my family and I! :) Here's some pics from our trip...

Then we went on to California to my Fontana Family! The Hansens! :) Ever since Fili and I have been dating I've always told him stories about my cousins in cali that can sing and that they're more on the big side but not to be fooled by that! ;) So, he got to meet my "big cousins" and he instantly fell in love with them! He's met ONE of my cousins and loved her just as much as I do but never was able to meet the rest of them! We went downtown LA while we were there with some of my cousins. We went to Hollywood and Santa Monica Beach. It was Fili's first time for everything and had a blast!! Our visit there was home away from home! My family loved fili!:) Here's some pictures:)

Another trips we've taken is by far MY personal favorite!!! It'll be very hard to top this trip!!!;) So, Fili was in Chicago doing a tattoo out there for a couple days and I missed him so much I wanted to go to him! (I know I know...I'm a big baby! But what wife isn't?! Hahaha!) I was so blessed to get the days off to go be with him! That's another reason why I love United!...My Coworkers!:) Anyways, so I flew there and we spent the night there and we decided to head to Minnesota for the weekend to visit my sister and her husband because they and my sister in laws and cousins were going to the Beyonce concert! :) Keep in mind this was my first time out that way and I was super excited!! Once we got there it was all fun and we loved it!!! The day we for there was the beyonce concert that night and Fili being the super husband he is surprised me with beyonce tickets for us! I didn't believe him at first but when it hit me that it was real...I was all smiles! I'm so blessed to have a husband like Fili!:) So our weekend was never ending fun and much needed! :) Here's some pictures we took if you don't follow Me or Fili on Instagram!:)

All in all, the Vakapuna's are doing just fine! No baby YET! But hopefully very soon!!:) There's so many things going on this year and we are so very excited! My brother, Elder Atiga will finally be home after a full 2 year mission servered in Anaheim, California in October! My other brother Rob will finally be graduating from Arkanasa University in December! After graduation him and his wife will finally be moving back home to Utah so start their lives!:) It's going to be a great and exciting year for my family and I'm so blessed and happy! 

Until next time....

The Vakapuna's